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Thursday, November 10, 2005


What touches you the best deep down where you’re the most sensitive? Is it more joy or hate? That might seem like a silly question since a smile is certainly more pleasurable than a frown. But from what I’ve experience there are those who really aren’t happy unless they have something to complain about.

In a house of worship the image of seeing smiling faces totally consumed with joy and ones that sooner or later lead to a reason for laughter wouldn’t probably be an unusual expectation. And naturally when one is totally immersed with spiritual euphoria a few sighs of satisfaction might be anticipated.

Only it doesn’t seem to me that this type of situation truly occurs in a lot of houses of worship. Oh I’ve watched the services on television that blossom with smiles and all the blissful trappings. And not having attended them I have no way of knowing if they are sincere or orchestrated for benefit of the camera.

However one thing I do appreciate is that each of us is different. Some are naturally very demonstrative and expressive. Smiles for them are almost second nature. They are pleasant to be around and very infectious in their enthusiasm.

But does that mean it is the paragon of joy? It is essential that one have a certain attitude or expression in order to praise the lord?

Well if you ask some people they will say yes. Consequently these are normally the type of people for whom being emotional is very natural.

As for myself, I’m inclined to be more reserved. I’m not prone to lots of smiles and not inclined to express joy with the kind excitement that some label as passion.

So does that exclude me from being able to praise the Lord in a way that is pleasing to him and acceptable? Not from my point of view.

I think it is truly sad when define what is approved of the Lord by our own prejudices. Some call it putting God in a box. Of course when they say you are the one using a box because you are comfortable worshipping the Lord in their manner who really is the one with a box?

We know that the Lord can see what is truly in our heart. I think above all he wants us to be honest and in worship to do it in a way that sincerely reflects our feelings. For some who are prone to a more somber disposition, maybe all they can honestly muster is a quietness of respect, then that is worship in their lives.

Let us face the dawn of God’s presence in our lives above all with truth. And grant grace to others to reach out to the Lord with worship and praise that will be honest and in harmony with our real feelings.

May Lord inspire us to be open and free to follow him as he leads. And to feel willing to be obedient with our hearts more than our eyes.


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