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Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Quiet and solitude are the refuges of reflective thought. Not for everyone, but it can be when the soul is calm and reaching out to the universe and one’s creator.

We see and wonder in tumultuous times, allowing our hearts to dominate our clarity. With the dialogue of pondering comes the inevitable shouting, I am one with whatever it is that elevator on the pedestal of luminescent nods. That is the platform of imaged approval that we create as a yardstick for our worth.

But in saner moments we see with more lucidity and can be rescued from the illusions. Only God’s spirit can truly bring such rescue. Those lacking this blessing simply wander the seconds in delusion of what to them is a similar clarity even if it bias.

As I compose this I sit in my company’s office. It is a Sunday night and I am alone. The world is a distance realm from my presence. My heartbeats are beyond the ears of everyone, but the Lord. Yet in this absence of other souls, I find a certain gratification that God uses this occasion to guide me through the hours towards his light and the deeper joy of knowing how much I truly can rejoice over having Jesus as Lord and Savior.

For by carnal standards I am not even a whisper of greatness. I am not a paragon of success or inspiration of achievement. I am simply a body serving without glory or fame.

Does this sadden me? At times. For my labors are only witnessed as a rule by the Lord and his recording angels. There is no opportunity to do more than be faithful.

Yet in my spirit there is the still small voice that utters it is enough. That while some would regard this as some career purgatory it is in my life a pearl of acceptance that dresses my times of sorrow with some appreciation that eternity is our real joy.

This might be to some a rationalization for having a less than impressive life or job. However I do find it otherwise in my heart. It is surrender unto the Lord, to be a time of reflection whereby his spirit can flow through thoughts that might otherwise elude me.

In my humanness I know that these times will hardly be ones that will impress anyone in eternity. I can regard them as intervals of great faith or other spiritual qualities. However they do provide in their own way a harmony in my sinking spirit to give it light and calm when I’m feeling a lack of self worth.

God provides and I am face one and one with the truth of my essence. That is the reflection where we see at least a small glimpse of what the Lord sees in our lives. Dreams blur, reality becomes clearer and we understand more vividly how in this place that some might think was a curse, can find a blessing. I praise my Lord and Savior that he grants me that small sustenance of appreciation during the long hours when I only have this computer as companion.


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