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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: Where Is Heaven?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Where Is Heaven?

I never found it in the pews
or the faces of those
who spoke of faith
and God’s love on Sunday,
but forgot it all on Monday morning.

It wasn’t real in the words
heard from the thundering pulpits,
nor did prayers that only seemed
to hang on the wind
without a recognizable reply
make me persuaded
something divine truly dwelled
beyond the world where I had survive.

In the shallows and counterfeit spirituality
my spirit slowly decayed,
inside I grew so cold
unable imagine the Lord was real
when all I found was pain.

All the lectures about scriptures
from broken and bruised hearts
who could hide their misery
behind quoted verses
never inspired or helped me in anyway.

But when I gave up
on all thou shall and shall not,
stopped trying to find heaven
among that whitewashed pillars,
there came a moment of silence
an incense so sweet and serene,
couldn’t explained it,
yet I knew it was the breath of God’s spirit,
and then I learned
once I ceased looking for my idea of the Lord,
He came in my willingness to finally listen
where once I only tried to question.


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