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Friday, January 21, 2011


Celebrations in quiet, refined elegance
where time slips into a serene chamber
and life from the chase of coins
to sit and explore the melodies of peace,
each blessed harmony of the heart
that mercifully covers in its calming blanket.

Sitting near that fireplace with its dancing flames
as the piano is played to string its notes
over the mind with such soft seductive sounds
for this moment is the precious retreat
from the demands and duress that come
during the journeys through concrete fields.

But for a while the soul can savor
some seconds without the drama or stress
in the chamber where value is still remember
as the spirit is allowed to dance
instead of feeling burdened
by the steady pace of work and the world.

It is the sweet communion with the recitals
rising out of times we pause and reflect
when we remember and cherish
how life is more than about making money.

Unto that contemplation retreat
is felt a tranquility worth more than gold
because it bonds us to what matters
while sitting apart from those place
that only have price tags.


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