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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: The Chorals Of Jubilee

Friday, January 07, 2011

The Chorals Of Jubilee

When the morn falls in shadows,
when the night turns cold and bleak,
it is the time to pause and give voice
unto the blessings He has given.

To let the sounds of praise sing forth
and be filled by the power of His Holy Spirit.
Until the heart can feel His love
move us so far out of any doubts
while He touches with the remembrances
of every blessed moment in the past.

How easily by faith we embrace
the chorals of jubilee,
slowly moving so much more willingly
into His arms of grace.

Then the glow of His joy
becomes a mantle over the soul
where the lips find the words He gives
to allow our eyes the sight
for seeing the bliss He places before us.

What renewal, what pure happiness comes
with the peace of celebrating
how through all the challenges and struggles
there is the boundless gifts he bestows.

Slowly being drawn into that tabernacle of light,
the endless mercy flowing through the heart.
Left abiding in that richness of His compassion
as we cherish the renewal in our spirits
from every way He brings
that psalm of inner serenity
far into our beings.
Completely satisfied and totally bathed by His Spirit’s
anointing flood in spiritual joy
rich in the beautiful contentment it brings.


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