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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: . Everything I Know Was Your Words

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

. Everything I Know Was Your Words

You heart has spoken such mesmerizing eloquence,
it has undone the impatience from my anxiety over loneliness,
so amazed how this angel had come into my life
and spread a cloak of love’s delicate gown,
making my day a commune in calming soliloquies,
the peaceful dialogue inspiring such sweet reminiscences,
while I lie in the shelter of her arms,
her voice the hammock of my soul,
swaying with her siren song
she sings so soothingly just for me.

Until I drift away from the caverns of my fears,
lost in the inexorable ecstasy
of each passionate verse written by her lips,
which is written upon my life’s scroll.
How that poetry she creates with her magic
charms my every snippet of sorrow,
able to answer every doubt,
no more seeing my hopes as impossible,
instead surrender to a beautiful forever,
happily accepting her promises as the only reality I need to know.


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