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Thursday, October 21, 2010


When the path the heart must step
feels so deeply like groves
there are no doubt or questions
preventing knowing this trail
is the one for you.

Along those ruts of ancient ways
followed by instinct through
each plain of reality,
sometimes the winds bring change
and the sky gets so dark
from sensing the inner clash
between what brings peace
and what showers its transcendence
over the heart and soul.

Yet, can’t stop to pause in any field
for the horizon calls in its song
with visions flowing through the mind
even if the air bristles with disquieting
though the day suddenly grows so tempest.

Oh that journey has so many changes
sometimes feeling the heaviness
from traveling it alone,
then suddenly flashes a thunderbolt of epiphany
as the mind digests its meaning
at last knowing you are never alone
because heaven has its matches
that strike their light when feeling so confusion.

It burns in the mind always
to guide us through any looming threat
with a touch of serenity and calm,
which are the wardrobe of faith.


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